Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Filming the Preliminary task

Review of the preliminary filming task

 After filming the preliminary task, I found that me and my group worked fairly well together, however there were some personality differences and also, we found we had clashes in ideas, but after talking about it and working together we found positive ways around situations and managed to get our project finished fairly quickly and were on the whole happy with the result

We found that after filming our choice of lighting meant that the footage we had shot was very dark and grainy as initially we wanted to use low key lighting to create suspense and a slight eeriness to the piece, and meant that we would have more work to do when we began editing to improve our footage. However this was also helpful as we learned a crucial lesson in what we would try and avoid if we were to re film the project, or on later projects. We also found that the dialect from our clips weren't very audible, but we like the way our clips fitted together and they made sense as a short film all together, we felt our ideas for the prelim task were strong. 

At the start of our short film, I took on the one of the acting roles, and the first clip showed myself walking through some double doors, face concealed by the hood of my coat to hide my identity, and the camera tracked my movements round a corner and cut as I walked through the door. We found when we watched the footage back we found this to be quite effective. We then shot several short sequences showing me walking through the door, including a close up of my hand pushing open the door, which when put together, added a dramatic effect and created a slight feeling of suspense.

The climax of our preliminary task is the shooting of one the other actor who is shown sat at a desk in the room my character enters. We choose to film a close up of the barrel of the gun we used as a prop before cutting to a plain black screen where we then edited the noise of the gun shot and found this to be far more effective than actually showing the shooting itself, more eluding the audience that the character had just been shot, which we felt tied in well with the 'Thriller' theme we have been studying in class.

Overall I am pleased with the final piece and thinking myself and my group worked well not only coming up with ideas but also in our filming and editing of the footage, as well as looking at what we could have done better.   

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