Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Preliminary Planning

Preliminary Task Planning 

The task we were set was to film a short sequence, focusing mainly on different camera angles and shots, and also to practice editing and making changes to our film in preparation for our thriller work. 

Olivia Whyley
Ben Hall
Sam Weeks
Harry Edwards

For the preliminary task, I worked in a group with three other people and we began to devise ideas for our sequence, we did this by creating a story board which depicted what the actors would do in each cut and what shots and camera angles we would use. We found this very helpful and useful to get all our ideas written down in a systematic order before we actually began filming.

We decided that we were going to use only two locations for our preliminary task, a corridor and a small classroom as the main setting, we wanted to keep the sequences as simple as possible so that it wouldn't detract from the camerawork, which we wanted to be the main focus of the piece. 

When writing the script for the scenes we had some conflict with members of the group over what dialogue we were going to use, but we managed to work through this and come to a mutual decision and in the end, all members of the group were happy with the script we devised together.

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