Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Analysis and refelction of Preliminary Task

                                            Analysis of Preliminary Task

The lighting in the Preliminary Task worked best when my character walks through the corridor, the light that shines through the glass windows in the door casts an eery light on the corridor, meaning that my character is silhouetted and very dark, which ties in with our idea that at this point my characters identity is concealed at this point, at 0.07 seconds of the clip. The lighting is less effective when the shot cuts to a close up of my hand pushing open the door (0.08), but the most notable shift in lighting is at 0.17 where there is an over the shoulder shot focusing on my character, the lighting is very poor, making everything in the shot very grainy and poor quality, my face is very darkly lit and it is hard to see any facial expressions and again when there is a close up, point of view (0.25) where my face is very poorly lit and hard to make out, this is something my group said we would work on if we were to redo this task, we would improve the lighting in these sections of the clip.

One thing that I think worked well after watching back the completed task is the editing of the camera angles and shots together and also the movement of the camera. In one shot where the camera slowly pans up from the table to show my character sitting down (0.10-0.12) I think that this was a very effective and good idea as it moved well with the movement of the scene. I also think that the way the camera panned along and tracked my character as I walked through the corridor was effective and helped to set the scene for the clip.

Analyzing the sound of the preliminary task, I noticed that in certain parts of the clip, there was some diajetic from other classrooms surrounding the location we shot at, that we were unable to edit out, which was unfortunate as it detracted from some of the tension we were trying to create. I also thought that some of the dialogue spoken was perhaps not as loud as it could have been which is something we would again look at redoing. However I do think the sound of the gun firing at the end with the cut to a black screen worked well and was an effective end to our preliminary task.

I think some of the choices we made prior to filming our preliminary task whilst planning were very in keeping of meanings and representations of thriller films. I think our choice to have my character dressed in dark clothing and hooded clearly showed that I was portraying the antagonist in this story and that harry's character dressed in lighter clothing, and with his character being better lit helped to convey him as the protagonist, or in this case, the victim. We found threw research that thriller films often clearly show who are the 'good' guys and who are the 'bad' guys threw similar ways that we tried to recreate. 

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